Monday, June 10, 2013

Food Truck 411 hits stand, (and offers a free taco).

The journey took two years time, and at the end of the road, a new book, Food Truck 411. The book will be available this coming weekend at Tortillaville – where if you purchase one, you get a free taco with it. In a few weeks time, it will be available on and Barnes& Initially intended as a video script, for a series of You Tube videos to market our food truck, Tortillaville, my idea instead morphed into a book. The script is still in tact, and perhaps one day, it will see the light of computer screens across the globe. But, the book has already surpassed any expectation that I had for it. Getting a positive review was accomplishment enough, for which I am grateful Being invited as a guest with Joe Donahue on WAMC’s Roundtable, (6/28 11:40 AM) is really icing on the cake. WGXC has had us on, and I have been asked to come in as a guest with Philip Grant, (during his morning show) in the near future. Hudson Valley Magazine will be doing a feature story for the July issue, and The Valley Table, for their Fall issue. I have most recently signed with an agent at Random House, who is shopping the book around. Aside from a marketing vehicle, the book was very much inspired as a way to archive this chapter in our lives. We feel very fortunate to have such a robust business, but it is not easy – this I can tell you, and have. The book loosely follows a week-in-the-life of Tortillaville, while sprinkling helpful information throughout. It is book as mentor, and begs the question; Are You Ready To Roll? It hopes to discourage as many people as it encourages, for food truck life is no place for the faint of heart. It is a cook book too, offering over 30 winning artisanal recipes. And, there are over 200 photos peppered throughout the book. The book focuses on food safety, food allergies, and first aid. There are actually many lessons in the book that can apply to any small business, cafe, or restaurant. There is good information on marketing and branding too, all wrapped into a story of a little city and a tiny food truck. It is my ultimate hope that the book will reflect very kindly on Hudson, NY. And, I believe that it will. In fact, there is a chapter titled, Welcome To Hudson, and mention throughout the book about the relationship between food truck and community – and how important that relationship is (to many). Next, the movie; just kidding. But, perhaps one day we will do some videos. I hope to shop the book around, visiting food truck hot spots, trade shows, and do something that I really had little intention – sell lots of books. I have learned much during our now five seasons in Hudson. I have made mistakes, but I have learned from them. I invite anyone to try a day (or even an hour) in the food truck to get a taste of this life. You will surely see what I mean. But, you will learn a lot too; about patience, balance, friendship, and community – things I never imagined come from working in a food truck. It is my hope that you purchase Food Truck 411, if only for the recipes. But, I think that you will find the story to be an interesting read. At least, I hope so. If you can’t make it to the stand, you can visit our website, > Buy The Book. It will bring you to a Pay Pal screen. This is not kick starter. We are doing it the old fashion way instead – earning it. Did I forget to mention that it makes the perfect gift? Thank you for your support.

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